


伊拉克官员爆炸袭击事件后辞职 巴格达星期天发生的重大袭击事件引起政治效应,伊拉克内政部长提出辞职。 穆罕默德∙哈班星期二把权力移交给内政部副部长,等待伊拉克总理阿巴迪考虑他的辞呈。这次卡车自杀炸弹袭击造成至少175人丧生,公众的愤怒直指阿巴迪本人。 伊斯兰国激进分子对这次炸弹袭击承担责任,说他们的袭击目标是什叶派穆斯林。 这次袭击正值穆斯林斋月进入尾声,联合国的伊拉克事务特使库比什原本希望在这段时间里暴力事件会暂时停顿。联合国人权事务高级专员扎伊德∙拉阿德∙侯赛因也对无辜者被害表示痛惜,谴责逊尼派极端组织伊斯兰国的行为是“可怕的暴行“。 Iraq Official Resigns After Devastating Bombing Iraq’s interior minister has offered to resign, part of the political fallout from Sunday’s devastating attack in Baghdad. Mohammed Ghabban Tuesday handed over authority to his deputy until the offer is considered by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, himself the target of public rage after a suicide truck bombing killed..


弹出播放器 今天我们要学的词是 flash flooding. Flash flooding 名词,骤发洪水。President Obama declared a major disaster in West Virginia after flash flooding left at least 24 people dead. 西维吉尼亚州骤发洪水造成至少24人丧生,奥巴马总统宣布重大灾害。This was the deadliest flash flooding in the U.S. since 2010. 这次骤发洪水是美国2010年以来造成死亡人数最多的一次。好的,我们今天学习的词是 flash flooding, flash flooding, flash flooding…


弹出播放器 今天我们要学的词是 mistreatment. Mistreatment 名词,有虐待的意思。Pope Francis said Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from gays for previous mistreatment. 教宗方济各表示,基督徒和罗马天主教会应该为过去虐待同性恋的行为向他们寻求宽恕。Officials at a Virginia jail dismissed claims of mistreatment made by many inmates as unfounded. 针对很多在押犯提出被虐待的指控,维吉尼亚一所监狱的官员表示,这种指控完全子虚乌有。好的,我们今天学习的词是 mistreatment, mistreatment, mistreatment…


弹出播放器 今天我们要学的词是 sweeping. Sweeping 形容词,有全面彻底的意思。India announced sweeping reforms to ease foreign investment in defense, civil aviation and a number of other industries. 印度宣布全面改革,放松对国防,民航等工业外来投资的限制。Belgian authorities conducted a sweeping round of security raids in connection with an imminent threat of attack. 比利时有关当局为了防范一次即将发生的袭击威胁,展开了一轮全面的安全突袭行动。好的,我们今天学习的词是 sweeping, sweeping, sweeping…


喀布尔警察车队遭致命自杀炸弹袭击 塔利班星期四在阿富汗首都喀布尔对一个警察车队发动自杀汽车炸弹袭击,据报至少30名保安人员丧生。 袭击发生时,车队正在运送军校学员和训练生。阿富汗官方证实,炸弹爆炸接连发生。 阿富汗内政部发言人沙迪克称,当局正在搜集细节,并承诺将尽快公布。 目击者告诉美国之音,他们看到警方人员疏散安置死伤人员。 塔利班宣称对此次袭击负责。在一份送给记者的声明中,塔利班发言人穆贾希德称,一名自杀炸弹攻击者开着装满炸药的汽车撞向警察车队。 穆贾希德补充说,第二名攻击者随后袭击了聚集在第一次爆炸现场的警方人员。他说,袭击炸死数十名阿富汗安保人员。 Deadly Suicide Bombing Hits Police Convoy In Kabul Taliban suicide car bombers struck a police convoy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, Thursday, with reports saying at least 30 security personnel were killed. The convoy was transporting cadets and trainers when it came under attack. Afghan officials confirmed there were back-to-back blasts. Interior Ministry..
美国习惯用语 – behind the scenes

美国习惯用语 – behind the scenes

我们社区委员会上周末举行选举,结果,一个默默无闻的人当上了委员会主席。后来我听说,这个人在选举前一直在家里办宴会,把好多委员请去吃饭,拉关系,拉选票。这让我想到了一个习惯用语。那就是:behind the scenes。 Behind the scenes,是“幕后”的意思。我们社区委员会的选举就是这样,候选人请委员会成员吃饭,说服他们把票投给自己,可我们这些普通居民根本不知道这些事情。It was done behind the scenes. 这事是瞒着大家,暗中进行的。 在下面这段话中我们要谈到一个叫Wikileaks的组织,中文叫维基泄密。它到底泄露了那些秘密呢?我们来听一听: 例句-1:WikiLeaks is an international organization that publishes secret information from a variety of unnamed sources. Its release of several pages of sensitive e-mails from U.S. diplomats caused a lot of concern. Many in the government claim that such communications should remain private. They warn that it could..
美国习惯用语 – behind the scenes

美国习惯用语 – behind the scenes

弹出播放器 我们社区委员会上周末举行选举,结果,一个默默无闻的人当上了委员会主席。后来我听说,这个人在选举前一直在家里办宴会,把好多委员请去吃饭,拉关系,拉选票。这让我想到了一个习惯用语。那就是:behind the scenes。 Behind the scenes,是“幕后”的意思。我们社区委员会的选举就是这样,候选人请委员会成员吃饭,说服他们把票投给自己,可我们这些普通居民根本不知道这些事情。It was done behind the scenes. 这事是瞒着大家,暗中进行的。 在下面这段话中我们要谈到一个叫Wikileaks的组织,中文叫维基泄密。它到底泄露了那些秘密呢?我们来听一听: 例句-1:WikiLeaks is an international organization that publishes secret information from a variety of unnamed sources. Its release of several pages of sensitive e-mails from U.S. diplomats caused a lot of concern. Many in the government claim that such communications should remain private. They warn that it..


今天我们要学的词是 boycott. Boycott 动词,抵制。The leaders of the world’s Orthodox Christian churches met on the Greek island of Crete for a landmark meeting despite a boycott by the Russian church. 尽管俄罗斯教会抵制,但是世界各地东正教领袖还是在希腊克里特岛举行了一次历史性会议。Gun enthusiasts are calling for a boycott against a Texas-based sporting goods store for no longer putting certain firearms on display. 总部位于得克萨斯州的一家体育用品商店决定停止陈列特定类型的枪支,枪支爱好者因此呼吁抵制这家商店。好的,我们今天学习的词是 boycott, boycott, boycott…


弹出播放器 今天我们要学的词是 boycott. Boycott 动词,抵制。The leaders of the world’s Orthodox Christian churches met on the Greek island of Crete for a landmark meeting despite a boycott by the Russian church. 尽管俄罗斯教会抵制,但是世界各地东正教领袖还是在希腊克里特岛举行了一次历史性会议。Gun enthusiasts are calling for a boycott against a Texas-based sporting goods store for no longer putting certain firearms on display. 总部位于得克萨斯州的一家体育用品商店决定停止陈列特定类型的枪支,枪支爱好者因此呼吁抵制这家商店。好的,我们今天学习的词是 boycott, boycott, boycott…